
of a dream

Verisimilitude of a dream


The project “Verisimilitude of a dream” belongs to the ArtCollab creative association, established in 2023 in Valencia, and embodies the tandem of two authors – the artist Vasilisa Talvirskaya and the photographer Anastasia Vragova.

The main theme of the artist’s practice has been the exploration of the phenomenon of “deafening silence”, in the process of which V. Talvirskaya delves into the manifestations of silence, paying attention to the emotions, feelings and reflections that arise in this state. Vasilisa T.’s works are designed to have a “deafening” effect on the observer’s mind, revealing the unconscious processes of personality and emotional energies hidden in the silence of the surrounding world. 


Anastasia Vragova is a photographer with a successful and recognised career in wedding photography, including in the European Union. In recent years she has been developing her creative direction through photography. For Anastasia V., moving to Valencia brought with it not only new opportunities but also difficulties, a stage of losing her old identity and realising a new one. At this stage, photography is a way for her to express herself and understand herself.


In the collaborative project “Verisimilitude of a dream” , through art, our creative team endeavored to convey the feeling, the ability of our “inner child” to have a soporific effect on our consciousness, creating the effect of “verisimilitude of a dream” or chaos. This project is not simply a work of art, but rather a challenge to experimental thought dialogue and reflection. It creates a space for inclusion of the observer, and in a way acts as a guide to point the direction to the depths of consciousness, to the repertoire of everyone’s interpretations.

The project was successfully presented at an exhibition in February 2024 in Valencia and to date has been embodied by a series of three works symbolizing “Verisimilitude of a dream”.

Nearby, on the floor, is a ball of yarn, representing a head entangled in memories and life experiences. The traces of time on the scissors refer to the past, each thread is a direct link to a lived experience, to the “inner child” that so skilfully weaves the canvass between past and present.

In this contemporary dance of past and present, the consciousness of the adult viewer is shrouded in the silence of “dreams in the present”, while his body and soul “screams deafeningly” in an attempt to express his inner tension and anxiety.

The performance by our creative team brought the project to life, and our joint interaction with the audience allowed us to experience the inner child’s ability to awaken those “silent” mechanisms that shape our perception of the world. We jointly identified possible ways out of the existing state – realisation, deconstruction of past experiences, acceptance and creation of something new that can transform our reality.

Thus, every detail, every thread of this exhibition becomes part of an exciting exploration of our inner worlds and ways to transform them. For me, as an artist, it is important to find a space in which viewers can actualise their personal existential experience as recipients and reflect on the relationship between the conscious and the unconscious, the rational and the irrational, and find their real selves in it all.


“Amnesia” – a lack of ability to notice and feel the world around us; a condition in which there is no understanding of the source of suffering.


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The Love Trap

“The Love Trap” is a state formed in the observation of love, embedded in childhood and influencing how we understand and show love in adulthood.

Love Trap

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“Fantasies” – a state of being able to see, hear and feel things that are not really there; the body is in the present and thoughts wander into the future.


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Next to the series of works, as part of the last exhibition, a ball of yarn was placed on the floor as a personification of memory, tangled in memories and life experiences. The traces of time on the scissors refer to the past, each thread is a direct link to the experience lived, to the “inner child” who so skilfully weaves the canvass between the past and the present.

In this contemporary dance of past and present, the consciousness of the adult viewer is enveloped in the silence of “dreams in the present”, while his body and soul “screams deafeningly” in an attempt to express his inner tension and anxiety.


The performance by our creative team brought the project to life, and our interaction with the audience allowed us to experience the ability to awaken the mechanisms that shape our perception of the world. We jointly identified possible ways out of the existing state – realisation, deconstruction of past experiences, acceptance and creation of something new that can transform our reality.